August 25, 2022
Splash Awards Germany 2022 announcement
After the last year’s edition of the German Splash Awards had to be cancelled due to the pandemic, we are happy to announce that we will host the Splash Awards Germany and Austria 2022’s award ceremony in our office in November.

Previous submissions for the Splash Awards
For a couple of years we have submitted our projects to the Splash Awards, an award which is dedicated to excellent Drupal projects. Many countries have introduced this award in their local Drupal communities after the first one has seen the light of day in 2014 in the Netherlands. Germany has been hosting the awards since 2017.
As one of the few Awards existing, dedicated to Drupal projects only we as a Drupal agency were fierce to participate. In 2019, we were successful and won an award for our project ‘More than Scleroderma’ in the category ‘Healthcare’. The award did not only make us proud as we were able to show our work and what we’ve accomplished with the project, but also due to importance of the topic itself which is addressed with this website.
Unfortunately, when the pandemic started in 2020, the Splash Awards fell victim to the ban on events. The organization team behind the awards looked for alternatives, just as many others and decided to host the event in a virtual format. However, as the pandemic continued, they decided to cancel the edition of 2021.
The Splash Awards are back
Now, in 2022 the Splash Awards Germany are back. Together with the Austrian Drupal community, the event is continued after the pandemic-related pause in the previous year. As in previous years, we will hand in a selection of our projects and see if we can meet the jurys’ expectations.
And there’s more: We at Factorial are very happy to announce that the award ceremony will be taking place in Hamburg this year, at our Factorial office, to be precise. On November 10, we are proudly hosting the ceremony to honor the best Drupal projects again. More information regarding the event will follow soon! Make sure to also stop by on our social media channels in order to stay updated.
Who knows, maybe we can continue our success from 2019 with another award this year?