October 20, 2022
New dates for the Drupal User Group Hamburg
The pandemic ended a lot of Drupal User Group events throughout the world. We at Factorial miss the regular check-in with the community as many others do as well which is why we will be reviving the User Group Hamburg with a recurring meetup, starting already next week!

An open invitation
By the year of 2022 and the more or less “back to normal” approach in dealing with the pandemic, many user groups have been left unattended due to a decline in participants and the overdose of virtual meetups. Especially in Hamburg, the possibilities for Drupal users to meet up, seem to be limited. For this reason, we at Factorial want to reinitiate the User Group events to provide a place of touching base with the community and for exchanging knowledge.
For the upcoming months and the end of 2022, we will be hosting three User Group events at our office in Hamburg. You can find the address in the footer of this site. See the dates and times below:
Drupal Lunch
October 27, 2022 | 1pm to 2pm
The Drupal Lunch will be taking place as an in-person event with the following speaker:
Joachim Feltkamp — Introduction to the COOKiES Module
We will order pizza (everyone pay for themselves).
Drupal User Group Afterwork
November 24, 2022 | 6pm to 8pm
The Drupal Afterwork Event will be taking place as an in-person event with the following speakers:
Julien Hofer - DIPAS — The Digital Participation System from Hamburg City
Stephan Huber — Tagify Module (a module by David Galeano)
Drupal 10 release party
December 14, 2022 | 6pm to 9pm
The Drupal User Group in December will combine the user group with a Drupal 10 release party. It will be taking place as an in-person event. The program will be updated soon!
How to participate
Everyone, interested in participating in the events above can register by clicking on the link below. We are looking forward to welcoming many people to the Drupal User Group sessions. If you have any questions, please get in touch via hello@factorial.io