Digital Ecosystems

If you want it to be good, then everything has to be good

Data is important, but it’s only the beginning. Data only becomes truly valuable when we optimise it through data governance, structure it through data management and combine it through data analysis in such a way that it reveals its secrets to us. This is what the Big 5 have mastered to perfection — and what Factorial is able to make possible for your company.

This requires a functioning digital ecosystem, from a powerful database to a responsive customer interface. We design this ecosystem by analysing your existing elements, linking them through interfaces, adding missing elements and then integrating, orchestrating and continuously developing the whole thing. Perfect elements, perfectly brought into play with each other — that is our way of increasing your success.

Ein Bild aus gemischten schwebenden Elementen, darunter ein Globus, ein Klicksymbol, ein Friedenssymbol, ein Augen-Emoticon und ein moderner Laptop.

Openness is a very good idea

The digital world is in danger of being dominated by a few big players. We don’t think this is a good idea. It hinders innovation, makes it increasingly difficult to keep the open web open and thus reduces the opportunities for many to participate in digital life and do their own thing — and their business — successfully.

What do we think is a very good idea? Open Source. 

The dedicated, altruistic work of thousands of clever minds worldwide on software that is available to everyone. Like Drupal, one of the best content management systems ever. We are involved in the global Drupal community with code contributions and sponsorships, promote personal exchange and thus help Drupal to defend its top position against strong competition in the future. 

And that the future opportunities in the digital world are not too unevenly distributed.

Good idea?

Abbildung von Architekturwerkzeugen, Kreisen, Stiften

We are Architects

We drive your digital transformation by focussing on the heart of every modern business: The Digital Ecosystem.

We connect technologies, platforms and data sources with your users through an efficient and elegant software architecture that grows with your goals and your organisation. This is important because the more sophisticated, scalable and robust your software architecture is, the more effectively you can capitalise on your data in the market.

We never lose sight of your rules, processes or existing structures, but ensure that our solutions are geared towards your requirements rather than the other way round.

At the same time, we help you to ensure that your processes and technologies are in line with your corporate objectives and social framework conditions.

This applies to compliance in relation to legal regulations, corporate governance in relation to your own internal guidelines and, of course, IT governance, e.g. in the areas of risk management and performance management.

Both aspects: a strong digital architecture and reliable governance are not only crucial for your current business success, they are also the basis for all future transformations of processes and business strategies. And these transformations will come — that much is certain.

So it’s good to be prepared for them.

Illustration von kleinen Blöcken mit der Zahl 42 und einem Peace-Symbol, dargestellt durch zwei Finger

It’s the Data, Dummy!

The centrepiece of a first-class digital ecosystem is data. Your data. We ensure that your data is consistent, reliable, secure and always available, no matter where it comes from. We combine, organise and analyse your data streams to transform them into valuable knowledge: for strategic decisions, to personalise and to improve your customers’ interactions. But also for new and innovative competitive advantages and to identify risks in good time and help avoid them in the long term.

  • Databases
  • Warehousing / Master Data
  • Data Processing
  • Artificial Intelligence / Automation
  • Personalisierung
  • Integrations
An illustration of a labyrinth

Control is not an Illusion

Successfully implementing digital strategies requires, above all, careful preparation and a high level of quality awareness. By working together to understand requirements precisely, anticipate challenges, minimise risks and plan resources accurately, you gain control over your next steps and turn a good plan into a successful business. 

We do all this without being wasteful with your resources, we are economical and committed to data protection, making sure that everything is safe from access by the baddies, but still accessible to anyone who is allowed to. Even if they have misplaced their glasses.

  • Requirements Engineering
  • Privacy 
  • Cyber-Security
  • Inclusion / Accessibility
  • Green IT

Far ahead of the game

New technologies are often difficult to judge: Is this the future now or can it go away? Is this just the next hype stumbling by or are we seeing the next big wave of innovation? 

We have developed our Tech Radar for this purpose. We use it to continuously check new, interesting technologies for their potential to substantially advance our customers’ business. 

This is easy for us because, as “native techies”, we have been navigating between battle-tested, established “boomer technologies” and one fascinating innovation after another for over two decades, from cloud computing and blockchain to machine learning and AI.

Our Tech Radar evaluates the concrete potential of these innovations in a transparent and comprehensible way and answers the key question: 

Do they give you a competitive advantage?

Click here for the Tech Radar

The best answers start with smart questions

You can only get what you need if you know exactly what you need. Our specialists use their experience and expertise to support you with Requirements Engineering. This ensures that we really understand your requirements and can put them into practice.

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